Second coming is a certainty, not only for Jesus Christ but for anybody who wanted to change the course of history. Jesus Christ, not simply changed the course of history but virtually cut the history into two pieces, AD and BC and is yet to come again at the end of history. Arnold Toyenbee made it into an Axiom. He brought out Mahatma Gandhi to Hidenburgh and Jesus Christ to Adolph Hitler to ascertain this axiom. Of course, Goutham too appeared for a second time. This time it was with a bang, like a big bang, reverberating the entire corporate universe. Goutham came with scientific inventions capable of terminating all sorts of patents and private rights.
A new branch of particle physics, the particloid hypothesis was the basis of his theory. In fact the theory was a derivative or expansion of Einstein's theory of relativity. Any particle that is induced to attain the speed more than the speed of light will have a negative mass or it will vanish from the vicinity and reach a world where the natural speed starts from the speed of light. Likewise when the speed again exceeds the limit of that universe it will again get into another world. We are living in a universe where infinite numbers of universes coexist with each other without the knowledge or interaction with the other. Magnetic activity is the key for attaining the super speed and Goutham’s innovations were capable of achieving this aim.
His novel idea was to lock the atomic weapons with neutrino particles using the particloid hypothesis, activated by magnetic power. The activated neutrino particles released by Goutham activated the neutrino particles in all the heavy metals with atomic weight above a certain level. The effect was astounding. The atomic devices in all the arsenals of the world became useless instantaneously. The international treaty for nuclear test ban became obsolete.
No more crow breeding and no more locked in crows. The sky was full of newly freed crows. The crow catching became an accepted time pass among children and the old alike. It was the beginning of a new awakening. The clutches imposed on the thinking power of human beings were loosening and independent ideas were coming up. They were realizing how foolish they were to accept the impositions of certain companies.
Goutham Water limited made a secret attempt to consolidate power in the absence of Nuclear weapons. The Research & Development department of the company had developed technology for manufacturing poly water, the most dangerous and suicidal weapon that can be made. A molecule of poly water if released can convert the whole of water coming into contact with it into poly water, a solid form of water that will not tolerate life. Thus if the company do the mischief the world will go without water and the only available source will be the pouch water marketed by the company. The company was producing water in their plants artificially, by combining oxygen and hydrogen using electronic technology. Their plants in the ocean shores for purification of sea water had already been closed down. How ever, fortunately for the human race, this mischievous act came to the notice of Goutham.
Goutham had invented a method for artificial activation of Positron particles. These artificially activated positron particles were able to check such an eventuality and the particles had the property to reconvert poly water into the normal water molecules. The company's attempt to convert water into poly water was thus effectively controlled by publishing the new invention. The company realized their folly and in the new atmosphere of human awakening they had no other way but to dissolve. At last the water became free.
When the avalability of water became plenty, the agriculture began to thrive. The newly converted deserts were reconverted by new settlers. The soil that was kept idle for years was most fertile and the out come was prosperity and plentiful food resources. The properties owned by the desert conversion department were encroached by the new settlers. This time the intellectuals kept quite for the fact that they became wiser instead of being intellectual. The revival brought new representatives of people who were sensible enough to dissolve the desert conversion department. They encouraged the settlement of the converted deserts.
The most trumpeted project of the parent company, Goutham Oxygen Ltd., to produce and sell sun light by active Photon method was not materialized since the patent right was with Dr. Eva Pauline Siddarth who fought back the company's encroachment on her intellectual right.
Goutham realized that the purification of the air can be done spontaneously by the activated photons by releasing it simply in the atmosphere. This realization brought him to Dr. Eva Pauline. Her recognition of Goutham was also spontaneous for no mother needs her son to be introduced by a medium.
This time there was no other nomination for the world's prestigious price for International welfare and peace other than Goutham. In addition, his invention of activating other sub atomic particles brought him the Nobel prize for Physics. There was no body else to claim the prize for agricultural advancement.
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The time was ripe to form a world government and Goutham was the unanimously elected head of the world state.
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